

    Notice on the convening of the "Establishment Conference of the Yellow River Basin Water Security Industry-University-Research Alliance and the second Joint Meeting of Directors of Yellow River Basin Scientific Research Institutes"

    日期:2023-05-18Source: College of Water Resources and Environment Number of page views:

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    For the in-depth study and implementation of the Party's twenty great spirit,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于“黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展”重大国家战略的重要指示,The CPC Central Committee and The State Council will jointly promote the implementation of the Outline Plan for Ecological Protection and High-quality Development in the Yellow River Basin,To help ensure water security in the Yellow River Basin,It is organized by Jinan University,North China University of Water Resources and Hydropower, Jinan University, Xi 'an University of Technology, Qinghai University and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology jointly sponsored the "Establishment Conference of Yellow River Basin Water Security Alliance and the second Joint Meeting of Directors of Yellow River Basin Research Institutes" is scheduled to be held in Jinan City, Shandong Province on May 26, 2023,The details of the notice are as follows:

    First, time and place

    Meeting Time: May 26, 2023 (full day registration on May 25)

    Venue: Jinan University

    Ii. Themes and topics

    Theme: Scientific and Technological Innovation contributes to water security in the Yellow River Basin

    议题:1.Economical and intensive utilization of water resources in the Yellow River Basin

              2.Water ecology and water environment protection in the Yellow River Basin

              3.Exploitation and protection of groundwater resources in Yellow River Basin

              4.Multi-water source optimization and construction of supporting projects in the Yellow River Basin

              5.Key technology of water safety monitoring in Yellow River basin

              6.Water economic and social sustainable development

    Iii. Format of the agenda

    The conference will take the form of invited presentations, general conference reports and discussions。The chairman and members of the Academic Committee and well-known experts on Yellow River Basin governance are invited to give a report for 30 minutes;Select representative content related to the topic for the report, the report time is 15 minutes, and discuss the report content, the discussion time is 5 minutes。

    The meeting put forward the proposal of the Yellow River Basin water security industry-university-research Alliance, discussed the alliance convention, and established the Yellow River Basin water security Industry-university-research alliance to help the Yellow River Basin water security and development with scientific and technological innovation。

    Iv. Organization of the meeting

    Organizer: North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power  Jinan University  Xi 'an University of Technology  Qinghai University  Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

    Organizer: Jinan University

    Co-organizer: Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High Quality Development Institute, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power

                    Institute of Water Security, Jinan University

    5. Conference Organizing Committee

    Honorary Chairman: Academician Wang Hao

    Executive Chairman: Liu Wenkai Liu Zongming Liu Yunhe Shi Yuan Chun Li Beiqun

    Member: Wang Mingsen Zhu Junwei Liu Xuemei Li Zhanbin Chen Haishan  Jia Ruibao Gu Shenglong Xu Junxiang Gao Shijun Guo Pengcheng Huang Jiadong Han Yuping 

    (Sort by last name strokes)

    Secretary-general: Xu Zheng and Yan Mei

    Deputy Secretary-General: Wang Chuanping, Wang Zhongpeng, Pang Guibin

    Working Group: Wang Haisang Guoqing Yu Xin Yanbian Zhen Xu Jing  Lu Longbin Liu Yinghao Pan Weiyan Li Xuguang Guo Qian Liu Mengdi Li Yanfei Shao Guangwen Liu Yuyu Ren Xiaohua Zhi Chuanshun Wang Mengmeng Zhu Weiqiang Huang Linxian Wang Linlin  Pan Bin, Song Peng, Zhao Chunhui, Yan Tao, Liu Yang

    6. Academic Committee of the Conference

    Chairman: Academician Xia Jun

    Vice Chairmen: Liu Xuemei Huang Jiadong Li Zhanbin Mei Shengwei Chen Haishan

    Member: Wang Zhonglei Wang Weiping Wang Fuqiang Wang Leimao Deqiang  Kong Fanlong Fu Jingbao Bai Bo Ren Ye Ping Liu Tingxi

                  Liu Chuanxiao Qi Guangping clothes study army Jiang Chongan new generation  Sun Xun Su An Shuang Li Mingli Zongkun Li Guiqing

                  Li Runjie Li Fulin Xiao Juanxiao Pei Qing Xin Yanjun   Zhang Jun Zhang Baozhong Chen Maoshan Chen Jie Shang Hongqi

                  Zong Wansong Zhao Wenju Hu Xiaonong Hu Xiaotao Jia Ruibao  Xia Jiangbao Yuan Xing Xu Ligang Xu Zheng and Gao Gong Jing

                  Gao Cheng peak Guo Ning Guo march Guo Pengcheng   Tao Hu Tao Jie Cao Dayong Cao Xiaoqiang Cui Buli

                  Jiang Xiaohui Xie Gang Xilin Liao Zilong Pan Baozhu  Wei Kewu (sorted by surname strokes)

    Seven.Pick-up, check-in, accommodation, venue address

    1. 接站:Report to the conference committee on May 25 to arrange a unified pick-up on the same day, please indicate the arrival time, train number or flight in the receipt。Contact: Yu Xinyan 15665836517。

    2. Registration place:Lobby, 1st Floor, One Hundred Mergrand Hotel Jinan Sunshine, Address: 33 Sunshine New Road, Huaiyin District, Jinan City, Shandong Province。

    3. Accommodation arrangement

    Accommodation will be arranged by the conference committee。Standard room and single room agreed price 380 yuan/room/day, accommodation contact: Shao Guangwen, 13270873066。

    4. Venue address

    On the morning of May 26, the opening ceremony and the conference report venue: The First Academic Lecture Hall of Jinan University。

    On the afternoon of May 26, sub-meetings: the First Academic Lecture Hall of Jinan University, the second Academic Lecture Hall of Jinan University, and the fifth Conference Room of ten teachers of Jinan University。

    Viii. Others

    1.The conference expenses shall be borne by the organizer and co-organizer。

    2.The conference organizing committee will arrange the accommodation for all participants, and the accommodation expenses will be borne by themselves。

    3.Please scan the code and fill in the attendance receipt before May 20, or send the electronic version of the attendance receipt to the email address of the meeting contact for unified arrangement。

                                                                                                 Scan the code to fill in the attendance receipt and meeting wechat group

    4. Contact: Wang Hai

        Address: School of Water Conservancy and Environment, Jinan University, No.336 Nanxinzhuang West Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

        Postal Code: 250022

        Contact number: 15628866160

         Email: hhlysaqbzcxylm@126.com   hhlysaqbzcxylm01@163.com    stu_wanghai@dentaldenture.net

         Jinan University

    May 15th, 2023